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Version: v1

OpenAPI & Swagger UI


OpenAPI Specification (formerly known as Swagger Specification) is an API description format for REST APIs. An OpenAPI document allows developers to describe entirely an API.

Swagger UI is a graphical interface to visualize and interact with the API’s resources. It is automatically generated from one or several OpenAPI documents.

Example of OpenAPI document and Swagger Visualisation


The Basics

The first thing to do is to add the @ApiInfo decorator to the root controller of the API. Two attributes are required: the title of the application and the version of the OpenAPI document.

import { ApiInfo } from '@foal/core';

title: 'A Great API',
version: '1.0.0'
// @ApiServer({
// url: '/api'
// })
export class ApiController {
// ...

Then each controller method can be documented with the @ApiOperation decorator.

import { ApiOperation, Get } from '@foal/core';

// ...
export class ApiController {
responses: {
200: {
content: {
'application/json': {
schema: {
items: {
properties: {
name: { type: 'string' }
type: 'object',
required: [ 'name' ]
type: 'array',
description: 'successful operation'
summary: 'Return a list of all the products.'
readProducts() {
// ...

Calling createOpenApiDocument(ApiController) will generate and return the below document (presented in YAML here but the actual returned value is a JS object). This function can be imported from the @foal/core package.

openapi: 3.0.0
title: 'A Great API'
version: 1.0.0
type: array
type: object
type: string
- name
description: successful operation
summary: 'Return a list of all the products.'

The Other Operation Decorators

Using the @ApiOperation decorator can sometimes be cumbersome. That is why FoalTS provides other alternative decorators to improve code readability.

Operation Decorators


import { ApiOperation, ApiResponse, Get } from '@foal/core';
// ...
export class ApiController {

responses: {
200: {
description: 'successful operation'
404: {
description: 'not found'
readProducts() {
// ...

// is equivalent to

@ApiResponse(200, { description: 'successful operation' })
@ApiResponse(404, { description: 'not found' })
readProducts() {
// ...


Don't Repeat Yourself and Decorate Sub-Controllers

Large applications can have many subcontrollers. FoalTS automatically resolves the paths for you and allows you to share common specifications between several operations.


import { ApiDeprecated, ApiInfo, ApiResponse, controller, Get } from '@foal/core';

title: 'A Great API',
version: '1.0.0'
export class ApiController {
subControllers = [
controller('/products', ProductController)

// All the operations of this controller and
// its subcontrollers should be deprecated.
class ProductController {

@ApiResponse(200, { description: 'successful operation' })
readProducts() {
// ...

@ApiResponse(200, { description: 'successful operation' })
@ApiResponse(404, { description: 'not found' })
readProduct() {
// ...


The document generated by createOpenAPIDocument will then look like this:

openapi: 3.0.0
title: 'A Great API'
version: 1.0.0
/products: # The path is computed automatically
deprecated: true # The operation is deprecated
description: successful operation
/products/{productId}: # The path is computed automatically
deprecated: true # The operation is deprecated
description: successful operation
description: not found

Use Existing Hooks

The addition of these decorators can sometimes be quite redundant with existing hooks. For example, if we want to write OpenAPI documentation for authentication and validation of the request body, we may end up with something like this.

@ApiSecurityRequirement({ bearerAuth: [] })
@ApiDefineSecurityScheme('bearerAuth', {
type: 'http',
scheme: 'bearer',
bearerFormat: 'JWT'
export class ApiController {

required: true,
content: {
'application/json': { schema }
createProducts() {



To avoid this, it is possible to generate the OpenAPI documentation from the validation and authentication hooks using the openapi option.

@JWTRequired({ openapi: true })
export class ApiController {

@ValidateBody(schema, { openapi: true })
createProducts() {
// ...


More simply, you can globally set the configuration key setting.openapi.useHooks to true so that each authentication and validation hooks generates documentation.

useHooks: true

Note that this global configuration can always be override by setting the openapi option on each hook.

export class ApiController {

// Generate automatically the OpenAPI spec for the request body
// Choose to write a customize spec for the path parameters
@ValidateParams(schema2, { openapi: false })
@ApiParameter( ... )
createProducts() {
// ...


Swagger UI

Example of Swagger UI

npm install @foal/swagger

Simple case


import { ApiController, OpenApiController } from './controllers';

export class AppController {
subControllers = [
controller('/api', ApiController),
controller('/swagger', OpenApiController)


import { SwaggerController } from '@foal/swagger';

import { ApiController } from './api.controller';

export class OpenApiController extends SwaggerController {
options = { controllerClass: ApiController };

Opening the browser at the path /swagger will display the documentation of the ApiController.

With an URL

If needed, you can also specify the URL of a custom OpenAPI file (YAML or JSON).

import { SwaggerController } from '@foal/swagger';

export class OpenApiController extends SwaggerController {
options = { url: '' };

Several APIs or Versions

Some applications may serve several APIs (for example two versions of a same API). Here is an example on how to handle this.

Example of several versions


import { controller } from '@foal/core';

import { ApiV1Controller, ApiV2ontroller, OpenApiController } from './controllers';

export class AppController {
subControllers = [
controller('/api', ApiV1Controller),
controller('/api/v2', ApiV2Controller),
controller('/swagger', OpenApiController),


import { SwaggerController } from '@foal/swagger';

import { ApiV1Controller } from './api-v1.controller';
import { ApiV2Controller } from './api-v2.controller';

export class OpenApiController extends SwaggerController {
options = [
{ name: 'v1', controllerClass: ApiV1Controller },
{ name: 'v2', controllerClass: ApiV2Controller, primary: true },

Using a Static File

If you prefer to write manually your OpenAPI document, you can add an openapi.yml file in the public/ directory and configure your SwaggerController as follows:

import { SwaggerController } from '@foal/swagger';

export class OpenApiController extends SwaggerController {
options = { url: '/openapi.yml' };


Using Controller Properties

import { ApiRequestBody, IApiRequestBody, Post } from '@foal/core';

class ApiController {

requestBody: IApiRequestBody = {
content: {
'application/json': {
schema: {
type: 'object'
required: true

// This is invalid:
// @ApiRequestBody(this.requestBody)
// This is valid:
@ApiRequestBody(controller => controller.requestBody)
createProduct() {
// ...


The OpenAPI service

import { dependency, Get, HttpResponseOK, OpenAPI } from '@foal/core';

import { ApiController } from './api.controller';

export class OpenApiController {
openapi: OpenAPI;

readDocument() {
return new HttpResponseOK(

In-Depth Overview

  • FoalTS automatically resolves the path items and operations based on your controller paths.


import { ApiResponse, Get, Post } from '@foal/core';

title: 'A Great API',
version: '1.0.0'
export class ApiController {

@ApiResponse(200, { description: 'successful operation' })
readProducts() {
// ...

@ApiResponse(200, { description: 'successful operation' })
createProduct() {
// ...

openapi: 3.0.0
title: 'A Great API'
version: 1.0.0
/products: # Foal automatically puts the "get" and "post" operations under the same path item as required by OpenAPI rules.
description: successful operation
description: successful operation
  • The decorators @ApiServer, @ApiSecurityRequirement and @ApiExternalDocs have a different behavior depending on if they decorate the root controller or a subcontroller / a method.

Example with the root controller

import { ApiResponse, ApiServer } from '@foal/core';

title: 'A Great API',
version: '1.0.0'
@ApiServer({ url: '' })
export class ApiController {

// ...

openapi: 3.0.0
title: 'A Great API'
version: 1.0.0
# ...
- url:

Example with a subcontroller / a method

import { ApiResponse, ApiServer, Get } from '@foal/core';

title: 'A Great API',
version: '1.0.0'
export class ApiController {

@ApiServer({ url: '' })
@ApiResponse(200, { description: 'successful operation' })
index() {
// ...

openapi: 3.0.0
title: 'A Great API'
version: 1.0.0
description: successful operation
- url:

Define and Reuse Components

OpenAPI allows you to define and reuse components. Here is a way to achieve this with Foal.

import { ApiInfo, ApiDefineSchema, Get } from '@foal/core';

title: 'A Great API',
version: '1.0.0'
@ApiDefineSchema('product', {
type: 'object',
properties: {
name: { type: 'string' }
required: [ 'name' ]
export class ApiController {

@ApiResponse(200, {
content: {
'application/json': {
schema: { $ref: '#/components/schema/product' }
readProducts() {
// ...

@ApiResponse(200, {
content: {
'application/json': {
schema: {
type: 'array',
items: { $ref: '#/components/schema/product' }
readProducts() {
// ...

Component Decorators

The @ApiDefineXXX decorators can be added to any controllers or methods but they always define components in the global scope.

Generate and Save a Specification File with a Shell Script

foal generate script generate-openapi-doc


// std
import { writeFileSync } from 'fs';

// 3p
import { createOpenApiDocument } from '@foal/core';
import { stringify } from 'yamljs';

// App
import { ApiController } from '../app/controllers';

export async function main() {
const document = createOpenApiDocument(ApiController);
const yamlDocument = stringify(document);

writeFileSync('openapi.yml', yamlDocument, 'utf8');

npm run build:scripts
foal run generate-openapi-doc

Common Error with createOpenApiDocument

// ...
export class ApiController {
getProduct() {
return new HttpResponseOK();

updateProduct() {
return new HttpResponseOK();

This example will throw this error.

Error: Templated paths with the same hierarchy but different templated names MUST NOT exist as they are identical.
Path 1: /products/{id}
Path 2: /products/{productId}

OpenAPI does not support paths that are identical with different parameter names. Here is a way to solve this issue:

// ...
export class ApiController {
getProduct() {
return new HttpResponseOK();

updateProduct() {
return new HttpResponseOK();

Extend Swagger UI options

Swagger UI options can be extended using the uiOptions property.


import { SwaggerController } from '@foal/swagger';

import { ApiController } from './api.controller';

export class OpenApiController extends SwaggerController {
options = { controllerClass: ApiController };

uiOptions = { docExpansion: 'full' };