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Version: 1.x


FoalTS provides two ways to interact with a MongoDB database in your application: Mongoose and TypeORM.

Usage with Mongoose

Generating a new project with Mongoose

When creating an application with the --mongodb flag, the CLI generates a new project with mongoose and @foal/mongoose installed. The User model is defined using this ODM as well as the create-user script.

foal createapp my-app --mongodb

Generating a model

You cannot create entities in a Mongoose project, as it is specific to TypeORM. Instead, you can use this command to generate a new model:

foal g model <name>


The URI of the MongoDB database can be passed through:

  • the config file config/default.json with the mongodb.uri key,
  • or with the environment variable MONGODB_URI.

Example (config/default.json):

"mongodb": {
"uri": "mongodb://localhost:27017/db"


The MongoDBStore

npm install @foal/mongodb

If you use sessions with @TokenRequired or @TokenOptional, you must use the MongoDBStore from @foal/mongodb.

The fetchUser function

Example with JSON Web Tokens:

import { JWTRequired } from '@foal/jwt';
import { fetchUser } from '@foal/mongoose';

import { User } from '../models';

@JWTRequired({ user: fetchUser(User) })
class MyController {}

Usage with TypeORM

npm uninstall sqlite3
npm install mongodb



const { Config } = require('@foal/core');

module.exports = {
type: "mongodb",
database: Config.get2('database.database', 'string'),
dropSchema: Config.get2('database.dropSchema', 'boolean', false),
entities: ["build/app/**/*.entity.js"],
host: Config.get2('', 'string'),
port: Config.get2('database.port', 'number'),
synchronize: Config.get2('database.synchronize', 'boolean', false)


"database": {
"database": "mydb",
"host": "localhost",
"port": 27017


The MongoDBStore

npm install @foal/mongodb

If you use sessions with @TokenRequired or @TokenOptional, you must use the MongoDBStore from @foal/mongodb. The TypeORMStore does not work with noSQL databases.

The fetchMongoDBUser function


import { Entity, ObjectID, ObjectIdColumn } from 'typeorm';

export class User {

id: ObjectID;


Example with JSON Web Tokens:

import { JWTRequired } from '@foal/jwt';
import { fetchMongoDBUser } from '@foal/typeorm';

import { User } from '../entities';

@JWTRequired({ user: fetchMongoDBUser(User) })
class MyController {}


When using MongoDB, there are some features that are not available:

  • the foal g rest-api <name> command,
  • and the Groups & Permissions system.