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Version: v2


A simple model:

import { Column, Entity, PrimaryGeneratedColumn } from 'typeorm';

export class User {

id: number;

firstName: string;

lastName: string;



FoalTS uses TypeORM as default Object-Relational Mapping. This allows you to create classes to interact with your database tables (or collections). TypeORM is written in TypeScript and supports both Active Record and Data Mapper patterns.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of its features:

  • migrations and automatic migrations generation
  • uni-directional, bi-directional and self-referenced relations
  • eager and lazy relations
  • TypeScript support
  • connection configuration in json / xml / yml / env formats
  • transactions
  • etc

Although this documentation presents the basic features of TypeORM, you may be interested in reading the official documentation to learn more advanced features.

Supported Databases

FoalTS supports officially the following databases:

| Database | Versions | Driver | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | PostgreSQL | 9.6+ (Version Policy) | pg@8 | | MySQL | 5.7+ (Version Policy) | mysql@2 | | MariaDB | 10.2+ (Version Policy) | mysql@2 | | SQLite | 3 | sqlite3@5 and better-sqlite3@7 (since v2.1) | | MongoDB | 4.0+ (Version Policy) | mongodb@3 |

Use with FoalTS

TypeORM is integrated by default in each new FoalTS project. This allows you to quickly create models, run migrations and use the authentication system without wasting time on configuration. However, if you do not wish to use it, you can refer to the page Using another ORM.

Initial Configuration

When creating a new project, an SQLite database is used by default as it does not require any additional installation (the data is saved in a file). The connection configuration is stored in ormconfig.js and default.json located respectively at the root of your project and in the config/ directory.


const { Config } = require('@foal/core');

module.exports = {
type: 'better-sqlite3',
database: Config.get('database.database', 'string'),
dropSchema: Config.get('database.dropSchema', 'boolean', false),
entities: ['build/app/**/*.entity.js'],
migrations: ['build/migrations/*.js'],
cli: {
migrationsDir: 'src/migrations'
synchronize: Config.get('database.synchronize', 'boolean', false)
database: ./db.sqlite3


npm install typeorm @foal/typeorm

Two packages are required to use TypeORM with FoalTS:

  • The package typeorm which is the official one of the ORM. It includes everything you need to create models and make database requests.
  • The package @foal/typeorm (maintained by FoalTS) which contains additional components. These are particularly useful when using FoalTS authentication and authorization system.

Database Configuration Examples

This section shows how to configure MySQL or PostgreSQL with Foal.


const { Config } = require('@foal/core');

module.exports = {
type: 'mysql', // or 'postgres'

host: Config.get('', 'string'),
port: Config.get('database.port', 'number'),
username: Config.get('database.username', 'string'),
password: Config.get('database.password', 'string'),
database: Config.get('database.database', 'string'),

dropSchema: Config.get('database.dropSchema', 'boolean', false),
synchronize: Config.get('database.synchronize', 'boolean', false),

entities: ["build/app/**/*.entity.js"],
migrations: ["build/migrations/*.js"],
cli: {
migrationsDir: "src/migrations"

With this configuration, database credentials can be provided in a YAML, a JSON or a .env configuration file or in environment variables.

# ...

host: localhost
port: 3306
username: root
password: password
database: my-db

MySQL / MariaDB

Install mysql or mysql3 drivers.

npm install mysql --save # mysql2 is also supported


Install pg driver.

npm install pg --save

Configuration and Testing

When running the command npm run test with the above configuration, FoalTS will try to retrieve the database configuration in this order:

  1. Environment variables.
  2. .env file.
  3. config/test.yml and config/test.json.
  4. config/default.yml and config/default.json.

For example, if the environment variable DATABASE_PASSWORD is defined, Foal will use its value. Otherwise, it will look at the .env file to see if it is defined here. If it is not, it will go through the YAML and JSON config/ files.

In this way, you can define a default configuration in the config/default.{yml|json} file to use both during development and testing and override some settings in config/test.{yml|json} during testing.

You learn more on how configuration works in Foal here

In the example below, we add two new options:

  • dropSchema clears the database each time we call createConnection
  • and synchronize synchronizes the database tables with your entities so your do not have to generate and run migrations during testing.


# ...

username: 'test'
password: 'test'
database: 'test'
dropSchema: true
sychronize: true

Example of a test

import { createConnection, Connection } from 'typeorm';

describe('xxx', () => {

let connection: Connection;

beforeEach(() => connection = await createConnection())

afterEach(async () => {
if (connection) {
await connection.close()

it('yyy', () => {
// ...
