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Version: 1.x

Angular, React & Vue

foal connect angular ../frontend
foal connect react ../frontend
foal connect vue ../frontend

Angular, React and Vue all provide powerful CLIs for creating frontend applications. These tools are widely used, regularly improved and extensively documented. That's why Foal CLI do not provide ready-made features to build the frontend in their place.

Instead, FoalTS offers a convenient command, named connect, to configure your frontend CLI so that it interacts smoothly with your Foal application. This way, you do not have to worry about the details of the configuration when starting a new project. You can leave this until later if you need it.

Creating a new Application


mkdir my-app
cd my-app

foal createapp backend
ng new frontend

cd backend
foal connect angular ../frontend


mkdir my-app
cd my-app

foal createapp backend
npx create-react-app frontend --template typescript

cd backend
foal connect react ../frontend


mkdir my-app
cd my-app

foal createapp backend
vue create frontend

cd backend
foal connect vue ../frontend

Problems Solved by the connect Command

Origins that Do not Match

When building a web application with a Angular / React / Vue, it is very common in development to have two servers serving on different ports. For example, with an application written in Foal and Angular, the backend server serves the port 3001 and the frontend one servers the 4200.

Consequently requests made by the frontend do not reach the backend as they have a different origin. One hacky solution is to replace the URL path to http://localhost:3001 in development and to enable CORS requests.

This technique has some drawbacks however:

  • It may introduce a different codebase between the environments (dev and prod).
  • And it disables a browser protection (the Same-Origin policy).

One way to get around this, keeping the policy and the same codebase, is to configure a proxy to redirect 4200 requests to the port 3001. The connect command does it for you.

Build Outpath

This feature only works with Angular and Vue.

The connect command also modifies the build output path of your front so that its bundles are saved in the public/ directory. This way, you can run the frontend and the backend build commands and directly ship the application to production.