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Version: v2

Logging & Depuración

HTTP Request Logging

FoalTS uses morgan to log the HTTP requests. You can specify the output format using the environment variable SETTINGS_LOGGER_FORMAT or the config/default.json file:

loggerFormat: tiny

Disabling HTTP Request Logging

In some scenarios and environments, you might want to disable http request logging. You can achieve this by setting the loggerFormat configuration option to none.

loggerFormat: none

Disabling Error Logging

In some scenarios, you might want to disable error logging (error stack traces that are displayed when an error is thrown in a controller or hook). You can achieve this by setting the allErrors configuration option to false.

allErrors: false

Logging Hook

FoalTS provides a convenient hook for logging debug messages: Log(message: string, options: LogOptions = {}).

interface LogOptions {
body?: boolean;
params?: boolean;
headers?: string[]|boolean;
query?: boolean;


import { Get, HttpResponseOK, Log } from '@foal/core';

@Log('AppController', {
body: true,
headers: [ 'X-CSRF-Token' ],
params: true,
query: true
export class AppController {
index() {
return new HttpResponseOK();

Advanced Logging

If you need advanced logging, you might be interested in using winston, a popular logger in the Node.js ecosystem.

Here's an example on how to use it with Foal:


import * as winston from 'winston';

export class LoggerService {
private logger: any;

constructor() {
this.logger = winston.createLogger({
transports: [
new winston.transports.Console(),
new winston.transports.File({
filename: 'logs.txt'

info(msg: string) {;

warn(msg: string) {

error(msg: string) {


LogUserId hook

import { Hook } from '@foal/core';
// LoggerService import.

export function LogUserId() {
return Hook((ctx, services) => {
const logger = services.get(LoggerService);`UserId is: ${}`);


import { Get } from '@foal/core';
// LogUserId import.

export class ProductController {

readProducts() {



import { dependency, Post } from '@foal/core';
// LoggerService import.

export class AuthController {
logger: LoggerService;

signup() {
...'Someone signed up!');
