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Version: v2


This page lists common functions to convert one type or format to another.

Base64 to Base64URL

This function converts a base64-encoded string into a base64URL-encoded string.

It replaces the characters + and / with - and _ and omits the = sign.

import { convertBase64ToBase64url } from '@foal/core';

const foo = convertBase64ToBase64url('bar');

Base64URL to Base64

This feature is available from version 2.3 onwards.

This function converts a base64URL-encoded string into a base64-encoded string.

It replaces the characters - and _ with + and / and adds the = padding character(s) if any.

import { convertBase64urlToBase64 } from '@foal/core';

const foo = convertBase64urlToBase64('bar');

Stream to Buffer

This feature is available from version 2.3 onwards.

This function converts a stream of buffers into a concatenated buffer. It returns a promise.

If the stream emits an error, the promise is rejected with the emitted error.

import { streamToBuffer } from '@foal/core';

const buffer = await streamToBuffer(stream);