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Version: v3

Groupes et Permissions

In advanced applications, access control can be managed through permissions and groups.

A permission gives a user the right to perform a given action (such as accessing a route).

A group brings together a set of users (a user can belong to more than one group).

Permissions can be attached to a user or a group. Attaching a permission to a group is equivalent to attaching the permission to each of its users.

Examples of groups are the "Free", "Pro" and "Enterprise" plans of a SaaS application. Depending of the price paid by the customers, they have access to certain features whose access are managed by permissions.


The Permission Entity

Property nameTypeDatabase Link
idnumberPrimary auto generated key
codeNamestringUnique, Length: 100

Creating Permissions Programmatically

import { Permission } from './src/app/entities';

async function main() {
const perm = new Permission();
perm.codeName = 'secret-perm'; = 'Permission to access the secret';

Creating Permissions with a Shell Script (CLI)

Create a new script with this command:

foal generate script create-perm

Replace the content of the new created file src/scripts/create-perm.ts with the following:

// 3p
import { Permission } from '@foal/typeorm';

// App
import { dataSource } from '../db';

export const schema = {
additionalProperties: false,
properties: {
codeName: { type: 'string', maxLength: 100 },
name: { type: 'string' },
required: [ 'name', 'codeName' ],
type: 'object',

export async function main(args: { codeName: string, name: string }) {
const permission = new Permission();
permission.codeName = args.codeName; =;

await dataSource.initialize();

try {
} catch (error: any) {
} finally {
await dataSource.destroy();

Then you can create a permission through the command line.

npm run build
foal run create-perm name="Permission to access the secret" codeName="access-secret"


Groups are used to categorize users. A user can belong to several groups and a group can have several users.

A group can have permissions. They then apply to all its users.

The Group Entity

Property nameTypeDatabase Link
idnumberPrimary auto generated key
namestringLength: 80
codeNamestringUnique, Length: 100
permissionsPermission[]A many-to-many relation with the table permission

Creating Groups Programmatically

import { Group, Permission } from './src/app/entities';

async function main() {
const perm = new Permission();
perm.codeName = 'delete-users'; = 'Permission to delete users';

const group = new Group();
group.codeName = 'admin'; = 'Administrators';
group.permissions = [ perm ];

Creating Groups with a Shell Script (CLI)

Create a new script with this command:

foal generate script create-group

Replace the content of the new created file src/scripts/create-group.ts with the following:

// 3p
import { Group, Permission } from '@foal/typeorm';

// App
import { dataSource } from '../db';

export const schema = {
additionalProperties: false,
properties: {
codeName: { type: 'string', maxLength: 100 },
name: { type: 'string', maxLength: 80 },
permissions: { type: 'array', items: { type: 'string' }, uniqueItems: true, default: [] }
required: [ 'name', 'codeName' ],
type: 'object',

export async function main(args: { codeName: string, name: string, permissions: string[] }) {
const group = new Group();
group.permissions = [];
group.codeName = args.codeName; =;

await dataSource.initialize();

try {
for (const codeName of args.permissions) {
const permission = await Permission.findOneBy({ codeName });
if (!permission) {
console.log(`No permission with the code name "${codeName}" was found.`);

} catch (error: any) {
} finally {
await dataSource.destroy();

Then you can create a group through the command line.

npm run build
foal run create-perm name="Permission to delete users" codeName="delete-users"
foal run create-group name="Administrators" codeName="admin" permissions="[ \"delete-users\" ]"


The UserWithPermissions Entity

import { UserWithPermissions } from '@foal/typeorm';
import { Entity } from 'typeorm';

export class User extends UserWithPermissions {


// You MUST export Group and Permission so that TypeORM can generate migrations.
export { Group, Permission } from '@foal/typeorm';

UserWithPermissions is an abstract class that has useful features to handle access control through permissions and groups. You must extend your User entity from this class to use permissions and groups.

Property nameTypeDatabase Link
idnumberPrimary auto generated key
groupsGroup[]A many-to-many relation with the table group
userPermissionsPermission[]A many-to-many relation with the table permission

Relations between Users, Groups and Permissions

The hasPerm Method

The hasPerm(permissionCodeName: string) method of the UserWithPermissions class returns true if one of these conditions is true:

  • The user has the required permission.
  • The user belongs to a group that has the required permission.

The static findOneWithPermissionsBy Method

This method takes an id as parameter and returns the corresponding user with its groups and permissions. If no user is found, the method returns null.

Creating Users with Groups and Permissions with a Shell Script (CLI)

Replace the content of the new created file src/scripts/create-user.ts with the following:

// 3p
import { hashPassword } from '@foal/core';
import { Group, Permission } from '@foal/typeorm';

// App
import { User } from '../app/entities';
import { dataSource } from '../db';

export const schema = {
additionalProperties: false,
properties: {
email: { type: 'string', format: 'email' },
groups: { type: 'array', items: { type: 'string' }, uniqueItems: true, default: [] },
password: { type: 'string' },
userPermissions: { type: 'array', items: { type: 'string' }, uniqueItems: true, default: [] },
required: [ 'email', 'password' ],
type: 'object',

export async function main(args) {
const user = new User();
user.userPermissions = [];
user.groups = []; =;
user.password = await hashPassword(args.password);

await dataSource.initialize();

for (const codeName of args.userPermissions as string[]) {
const permission = await Permission.findOneBy({ codeName });
if (!permission) {
console.log(`No permission with the code name "${codeName}" was found.`);

for (const codeName of args.groups as string[]) {
const group = await Group.findOneBy({ codeName });
if (!group) {
console.log(`No group with the code name "${codeName}" was found.`);

try {
} catch (error: any) {
} finally {
await dataSource.destroy();

Then you can create a user with their permissions and groups through the command line.

npm run build
foal run create-user userPermissions="[ \"my-first-perm\" ]" groups="[ \"my-group\" ]"

Fetching a User with their Permissions

If you want the hasPerm method to work on the context user property, you must use the User.findOneWithPermissionsBy method in the authentication hook.

Example with JSON Web Tokens

import { Context, Get } from '@foal/core';
import { JWTRequired } from '@foal/jwt';

user: (id: number) => User.findOneWithPermissionsBy({ id })
export class ProductController {
readProduct(ctx: Context) {
if (!ctx.user.hasPerm('read-products')) {
return new HttpResponseForbidden();
return new HttpResponseOK([]);

Example with Sessions Tokens

import { Context, Get, UseSessions } from '@foal/core';

required: true,
user: (id: number) => User.findOneWithPermissionsBy({ id }),
export class ProductController {
readProduct(ctx: Context) {
if (!ctx.user.hasPerm('read-products')) {
return new HttpResponseForbidden();
return new HttpResponseOK([]);

The PermissionRequired Hook

This requires the use of User.findOneWithPermissionsBy.

import { PermissionRequired } from '@foal/core';

ctx.user is null401 - UNAUTHORIZED
ctx.user.hasPerm('perm') is false403 - FORBIDDEN
import { PermissionRequired } from '@foal/core';

@PermissionRequired('perm', { redirect: '/login' })
ctx.user is nullRedirects to /login (302 - FOUND)
ctx.user.hasPerm('perm') is false403 - FORBIDDEN


import { Context, Get, PermissionRequired } from '@foal/core';
import { JWTRequired } from '@foal/jwt';

@JWTRequired({ user: (id: number) => User.findOneWithPermissionsBy({ id }) })
export class ProductController {
readProduct(ctx: Context) {
return new HttpResponseOK([]);

BaseEntity Inheritance

The classes Permission, Group and UserWithPermissions all extends the BaseEntity class so you can access its static and instance methods.


const perm = await Permission.findOneByOrFail({ codeName: 'perm1' }); = 'Permission1';

Get All Users with a Given Permission

The class UserWithPermissions provides a static method withPerm to get all users with a given permission. It returns all users that have this permission on their own or through the groups they belong to.

class User extends UserWithPermissions {}

const users = await User.withPerm<User>('perm1');