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Version: 1.x


Nuxt.js is a frontend framework based on Vue.JS.

This document explains how to use it in conjunction with FoalTS. A sample source code can be found on Github.


Create your frontend and backend projects in two different folders.

foal createapp backend
npx create-nuxt-app frontend

When the CLI asks which server framework to choose, select None.

Set Up

  1. Go to your server directory and install nuxt.

    npm install nuxt
  2. Then update your src/index.ts file as follows:

    import { Builder, Nuxt } from 'nuxt';
    // ...

    // Import and Set Nuxt.js options
    const config = require('../../frontend/nuxt.config.js'); = Config.get('settings.debug', true);

    async function main() {
    // Init Nuxt.js
    const nuxt = new Nuxt(config);

    // Build only in dev mode
    if ( {
    const builder = new Builder(nuxt);
    } else {
    await nuxt.ready();

    // ...

    const app = createApp(AppController, {
    postMiddlewares: [

    // ...


  3. Delete the file index.html in backend/public.

  4. Open the file nuxt.config.js in the frontend/ directory and update its first lines as follows:

    module.exports = {
    srcDir: '../frontend',
    // ...