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Version: v1

Code Generation

Create a project

foal createapp my-app

Create a new directory with all the required files to get started.

If you specify the flag --mongodb, the new project will use mongoose and @foal/mongoose in place of typeorm and @foal/typeorm. You can find more information here.

If you specify the flag --yaml, the new project will use YAML format for its configuration files. You can find more information here.

Create a controller

foal g controller <name>

Create a new controller in ./src/app/controllers, in ./controllers or in the current directory depending on which folders are found.


foal g controller auth
foal g controller api/product


'- app/
'- controllers/
|- api/
| |- product.controller.ts
| '- index.ts
|- auth.controller.ts
'- index.ts

The --register flag

foal g controller <name> --register

If you wish to automatically create a new route attached to this controller, you can use the --register flag to do so.


foal g controller api --register
foal g controller api/product --register


'- app/
|- controllers/
| |- api/
| | |- product.controller.ts
| | '- index.ts
| |- api.controller.ts
| '- index.ts
'- app.controller.ts


export class AppController {
subControllers = [
controller('/api', ApiController)


export class ApiController {
subControllers = [
controller('/product', ProductController)

Create an entity (simple model)

foal g entity <name>

Create a new entity in ./src/app/entities, in ./entities or in the current directory depending on which folders are found.

Create a model (only for Mongoose)

foal g model <name>

Create a new model in ./src/app/models, in ./models or in the current directory depending on which folders are found.


foal g rest-api <name>

Create a new controller and a new entity to build a basic REST API. Depending on which directories are found, they will be generated in src/app/{entities}|{controllers}/, {entities}|{controllers}/ or in the current directory.

If you are in the root directory and you want to automatically register the controller within the app controller you can add the --register flag.

foal g rest-api <name> --register

See the page REST Blueprints for more details.

Create a hook

foal g hook <name>

Create a new hook in ./src/app/hooks, in ./hooks or in the current directory depending on which folders are found.

Create a script

foal g script <name>

Create a new shell script in src/scripts regardless of where you run the command.

Create a sub-app

foal g sub-app <name>

Create a new sub-app with all its files in ./src/app/sub-apps, in ./sub-apps or in the current directory depending on which folders are found.

Create a service

foal g service <name>

Create a new service in ./src/app/services, in ./services or in the current directory depending on which folders are found.


foal g service auth
foal g service apis/github


'- app/
'- services/
|- apis/
| '- github.service.ts
| '- index.ts
|- auth.service.ts
'- index.ts