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Version: v3

Update Guide to Version 3

This guide will take you step by step through the upgrade to version 3. If something is missing or incorrect, feel free to submit an issue or a PR on Github.


  • What's new in version 3?
  • Prerequisites
  • Supported versions
  • Configuration
  • CLI
  • Validation
  • File upload
  • Database
  • Authentication and contexts
  • Access control
  • GraphQL
  • Miscellaneous

What's new in version 3?

Between version 2 and version 3, some parts of the framework have been improved and some new features have been added. Here are the notable improvements:

  • all dependencies that Foal relies on have been updated, including TypeORM,
  • the framework offers more advanced and secure typing,
  • some features have been simplified,
  • some bugs have been fixed,
  • packages are smaller in size,
  • and some parts of the framework are less tied to TypeORM to make it easier to use another ORM.


First, upgrade to the latest minor release of version 2 and check that everything is working properly.

It is also recommended that you update your @types/node dependency to the latest version and modify your tsconfig.json file so that the TypeScript compiler compiles to the ES2021 version of JavaScript. This will avoid some typing problems during compilation when upgrading to version 3.


"compilerOptions": {
"target": "es2021",

Supported versions

Supported node versionsTS min version
16.x, 18.x4.7

The framework requires at least version 4.7 of TypeScript. When upgrading from v4.0, there are usually two things to do:

  • Add an any type in all catch(error) (i.e they become catch(error: any))
  • Add a returned type to the new Promise: new Promise<void>(...).


  • If you upgrade to TypeORM@0.3, use Prisma or any other dependency that calls the dotenv library under the hood, you won't be able to use custom .env files such as .env.production and .env.local.
  • If the same variable is provided both as environment variable and in the .env file, now the value of the environment variable is used.
  • undefined values do not override other defined config values anymore. See issue #1071.


  • In new projects, the npm run develop command has been renamed to npm run dev to be consistent with the JS ecosystem.
  • Generated entities extend BaseEntity by default to not use connection.getRepository.
  • REST generated files use BaseEntity methods to facilitate the use of other ORMs.
  • Generated scripts do not include TypeORM code to make it make it easier to use other ORM.
  • The foal g vscode-config has been removed to not make the framework code dependent on an IDE. Documentation on how to configure VSCode with Foal has been added though.


Validation with JSON schemas

AJV dependency has been upgraded to version 8, which allows us to take advantage of its TypeScript types. In particular, it is now possible to link a JSON schema with an interface:

import { JSONSchemaType } from 'ajv';

interface MyData {
foo: number;
bar?: string

const schema: JSONSchemaType<MyData> = {
type: 'object',
properties: {
foo: { type: 'integer' },
bar: { type: 'string', nullable: true }
required: ['foo'],
additionalProperties: false

As this is a major upgrade of the library, there are some breaking changes in the results returned by the validation function which is used by ValidateQueryParam, ValidatePathParam, ValidateHeader, ValidateCookie, ValidateBody, ValidatePayload, GraphQLController and ValidateMultipartFormDataBody (renamed to ParseAndValidateFiles).

Here are the more notable payload changes:

AJV version 6AJV version 8
"dataPath": ".price""instancePath": "/price"
"dataPath": "['a-number']""instancePath": "a-number"
message: 'should have required property \'name\''message: 'must have required property \'name\''

Note also that:

  • The option 'settings.ajv.nullable' does not exist anymore.
  • The configuration 'settings.ajv.useDefaults' does not accept 'shared' as allowed value anymore.
  • As of AJV v8, the strict mode is added to reduce the mistakes in JSON schemas and unexpected validation results.
  • More details can be found in AJV migration guide.

Note: @ValidateXXX hooks still take an object as argument. The typing of the parameter was difficult and AJV TS types are sometimes inconsistent with their corresponding JSON schemas. For example, a foobar? : string is converted to { type : 'string', nullable : true } whereas null !== undefined. The choice was therefore made to let users use the JSONSchemaType themselves to type the argument if they wish.

The ajv-errors plugin

If you're using the ajv-errors plugin, you will need to upgrade its version and update your code as follows:

npm install ajv-errors@3 ajv@8
// Before
import * as ajvErrors from 'ajv-errors';
// After
import ajvErrors from 'ajv-errors';

Validation with classes

  • @foal/typestack require version ~0.5.1 of class-transformer and version ~0.13.2 of class-validator.

File upload

The hook for uploading files has been updated so as to:

  • support optional fields,
  • make its parameters less verbose,
  • remove the very large number of nested objects to access the files and fields from the ctx,
  • have a better and safer typing,
  • return an error to the client when multiple files are uploaded whereas we expect a single one,
  • and make the hook name more meaningful to people not knowing multipart requests.

Here are the breaking changes and new features:

  • ValidateMultipartFormDataBody is renamed to ParseAndValidateFiles.
  • The interface of the hook has changed and accepts optional fields:
    profile: { required: true }
    // The second parameter is optional
    // and is used to add fields. It expects an AJV object.
    type: 'object',
    properties: {
    description: { type: 'string' }
    required: ['description'],
    additionalProperties: false
  • Context has a new property files which has two methods push and get.
  • The access to the fields and files in the controller method has changed:
    // Before
    const name =;
    const file = ctx.request.body.files.avatar as File;
    const files = ctx.request.body.files.images as File[];

    // After
    const name =;
    const file = ctx.files.get('avatar')[0];
    const files = ctx.files.get('images');
  • Previously saveTo: '' was regarded as an upload with buffer and is saved as file in v3.
  • File is exported from @foal/core and not @foal/storage anymore.
  • All Disk.write methods take a Readable as parameter and not a NodeJS.ReadableStream anymore.


  • The AWS region must be provided to connect to S3. One way to achieve this is to use the configuration key


TypeORM (all databases)

Foal v3 now supports the latest version of TypeORM (v0.3). This version has some breaking changes with v0.2 which requires some changes to be made:

  • createConnection has been deprecated in favor of new DataSource. There is no more global connection and the DataSource instance must be passed everywhere (unless you extend your entities from BaseEntity).
    // Before
    const connection = await createConnection(opts);

    // After
    const dataSource = await DataSource(opts);
    await dataSource.initialize();
  • As if it was no longer supported in v0.3, the ormconfig.js file has been removed. It is replaced by a new src/db.ts file with the following content. Whether you need to access the data source instance or create a new one, use this file.
    import { Config } from '@foal/core';
    import { DataSource } from 'typeorm';

    export function createDataSource(): DataSource {
    return new DataSource({
    type: Config.getOrThrow('database.type', 'string') as any,

    url: Config.get('database.url', 'string'),
    host: Config.get('', 'string'),
    port: Config.get('database.port', 'number'),
    username: Config.get('database.username', 'string'),
    password: Config.get('database.password', 'string'),
    database: Config.get('database.database', 'string'),

    dropSchema: Config.get('database.dropSchema', 'boolean', false),
    synchronize: Config.get('database.synchronize', 'boolean', false),

    entities: ['build/app/**/*.entity.js'],
    migrations: ['build/migrations/*.js'],

    export const dataSource = createDataSource();
  • Migration commands have been updated accordingly:
    "makemigrations": "foal rmdir build && tsc -p && npx typeorm migration:generate src/migrations/migration -d build/db -p && tsc -p",
    "migrations": "npx typeorm migration:run -d build/db",
    "revertmigration": "npx typeorm migration:revert -d build/db"
  • In new projects (and in the documentation), the call of createConnection in in app.controller.ts has been replaced by a dataSource.initilize() in src/index.ts:
    import { dataSource } from './db';

    async function main() {
    await dataSource.initialize();

    const app = await createApp(AppController);

    const port = Config.get('port', 'number', 3001);
    app.listen(port, () => displayServerURL(port));
  • If you need to create a connection in your tests (E2E or unit), import createDataSource from db.ts and initialize the connection.
  • If you use the methods TypeORMStore.getSessionIDsOf and TypeORMStore.destroyAllSessionsOf, they take the user ID as parameter and no longer the user object.
  • The complete migration guide to typeorm@0.3 can be found here.

Quick migration guide

TypeORM v0.2TypeORM v0.3
undefined (return value)null
find({ owner: ctx.user })findBy({ owner: { id: } })
findOne(1)findOneBy({ id: 1 })
await createConnection(opts)const dataSource = new DataSource(opts); await dataSource.initialize()
Foobar.findOneOrFail({}, { relations: ['permissions'] })Foobar.findOneOrFail({}, { relations: { permissions: true } })


The @foal/redis package uses redis@4 under the hood. If you used to pass a custom client to the redis store with setRedisClient, don't forget to update your dependency and call the new .connect() client method before injecting it.

// Before
redisClient = createClient(REDIS_URI)
// After
redisClient = createClient({ url: REDIS_URI });
await redisClient.connect();

The same applies if you uses with redis (see Websockets documentation).


The package @foal/mongodb and its Mongo store uses mongodb@4.

  • You might need to upgrade @types/node. It is used under the hood by the library and you might face compilation errors otherwise.
  • If you pass a custom Mongo client to the store, don't forget to upgrade your mongodb dependency to version 4.
    // Before
    const mongoDBClient = await MongoClient.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/db', {
    useNewUrlParser: true,
    useUnifiedTopology: true
    // After
    const mongoDBClient = await MongoClient.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/db');

Important notes on the use of MongoDB with TypeORM:

  • TypeORM still requires mongodb@3. If you are using the MongoDB store, then you will have two connections established to the database. If you want to pass a custom client to the store, you can make the two versions coexist with the following code:

    "mongodb": "~3.7.3",
    "mongodb4": "npm:mongodb@~4.11.0",
    import { MongoClient } from 'mongodb4';
  • TypeORM v0.3 works very badly with using the name id in entities. Consider to use _id instead:

    import { ObjectId } from 'mongodb';

    class Foobar {
    // DO NO use
    id: ObjectID;
    // Use
    _id: ObjectID;
    // Before
    import { getMongoRepository } from 'typeorm';
    const user = await getMongoRepository(User).findOne('xxxx');

    // After
    import { ObjectId } from 'mongodb';
    const user = await User.findOneBy({ _id: new ObjectId('xxxx') });

Authentication and contexts

The ctx.user property

These changes apply to both classes Context and WebsocketContext.

  • When the user is not authenticated, the value of ctx.user is now null and not undefined. The motivation behind this change is to be as close as possible to the semantics of JavaScript and to be consistent with the findOne functions of the major ORMs (TypeORM@0.3, Prisma, Mikro-ORM, Mongoose).
  • The default type of ctx.user is now { [key: string]: any } | null and not any.

The ctx.session property

These changes apply to both classes Context and WebsocketContext.

  • When there is no session, the value of ctx.session is now null and not undefined. See ctx.user for information.
  • ctx.session is now always of type Session | null. As consequencies, the class Context takes only two generic type arguments: User and ContextSession.
// Before
let ctx: Context<User, ContextSession, ContextState>;

// After
let ctx: Context<User, ContextState>;
// Before
let ctx: Context<any, Session>;
ctx.session.set('foo', 'bar');

// After
let ctx: Context;
ctx.session!.set('foo', 'bar');

The ctx.state property

These changes apply to both classes Context and WebsocketContext.

  • The default type of ctx.state is now { [key : string] : any } and not any.

The fetchUser functions

These changes apply to the hooks JWTRequired, JWTOptional and UseSessions.

  • The FetchUser interface and all fetchUser, fetchMongoDBUser and fetchUserWithPermissions functions have been removed. They were convulated functions that could make difficult the understanding of the hooks behavior at first glance.
  • The user option in @JWTxxx and @UseSessions now expects a (id: number) => Promise<{ [key: string]: any } | null> by default. If the subject of a JWT (of type string) cannot be converted to a number, then an error is thrown. If the user ID must be a string then, you must add userIdType: 'string' to the options.
  • To be consistent with the type of ctx.user, if the user cannot be authenticated, the hook user option must be given the null value.
// Before
@UseSessions({ user: fetchUser(User) })

// After
@UseSessions({ user: (id: number) => User.findOneBy({ id }) })
// Before
@UseSessions({ user: fetchUserWithPermissions(User) })

// After
@UseSessions({ user: (id: number) => User.findOneWithPermissionsBy({ id }) })
// Before
@UseSessions({ user: fetchMongoDBUser(User) })

// After
import { ObjectId } from 'mongodb';
user: (id: string) => User.findOneBy({ _id: new ObjectId(id) }),
userIdType: 'string'

The userCookie auth hook option

If you use the userCookie option, you may face type issues. Update your code as follows if necessary:

// Before
{ userCookie: (ctx: Context<User|undefined>, services) => userToJSON(ctx.user) }
// After
{ userCookie: (ctx, services) => userToJSON(ctx.user as User|null) }


  • The @foal/password package has been removed: the isCommon feature was very specific to native English speakers and therefore not very useful for other speakers. The package was also not used by the community (between 30 and 67 downloads per week).

The jwks-rsa package

  • The interface of the options argument in the getRSAPublicKeyFromJWKS hook has changed. See the jwks-rsa library version 2 options for more information.

Access control


The PermissionRequired hook was closely tied to the TypeORM UserWithPermissions model making it difficult to use with another ORM.

As of version 3:

  • The PermissionRequired hook has been moved to @foal/core.
  • It can be used with any ctx.user implementing the IUserWithPermissions interface (exported in @foal/core).


  • @foal/graphql requires at least version ^15.8.0 of graphql.
  • The returned values of schemaFromTypePaths, schemaFromTypeDefs and schemaFromTypeGlob are better typed as well as GraphQLController.schema. They all rely on the GraphQLSchema interface.


  • The functions escape et escapeProp have been removed. Modern frontend frameworks (React, Angular, Vue, etc) already take care of escaping characters and these functions are easy to implement on one's own one.
  • All Foal packages are compiled to es2021 making packages smaller than before.
  • Most properties of Context, WebsocketContext and HttpResponse are read-only.
  • DatabaseSession now extends BaseEntity.
  • TypeORMStore.setConnection and TypeORMStore.close do not exist anymore. Instead, use a different datasource when registering the DatabaseSession entity.