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Version: 1.x

Auth Controllers and Hooks

So far, you have defined the User model and written a script to create new users with their password and email address. The next step is to create a controller to log users in or out.

Before this, you must provide a secret to the authentication system. You can generate such one with the following command:

foal createsecret

Then create a .env file containing your secret at the root of your project.



Here is the architecture that we want:

  1. Users load the page /signin, enter their credentials and then are redirected to the page / if the credentials are correct. If they are not, users are redirected to /signin?bad_credentials=true. The bad_credentials parameter tells the page to show the error message Invalid email or password.
  2. Users can view, create and delete their todos in the page /.
  3. When they click the button Log out, they are deconnected and redirected to the page /signin.

When the user presses the Log in button in the login page, the page requests POST /auth/login with the credentials as body.

When the user presses the Log out button in the todo-list page, the page requests GET /auth/logout.

In this scenario, the authentication process is handled with sessions and http redirections. You will not use JWT tokens which are sometimes used in Single Page Applications (SPA).

The Login and Main Pages

Download the html, css and js files by clicking here.

Empty the public/ directory.

Then move script.js and style.css to public/ and the index.html, signin.html and signup.html files to a new directory templates/ at the root of your project.

Open the app.controller.ts file and add three new routes to serve the pages.

import { controller, Get, render } from '@foal/core';

import { ApiController } from './controllers';

export class AppController {
subControllers = [
controller('/api', ApiController)

index() {
return render('templates/index.html');

signin() {
return render('templates/signin.html');

signup() {
return render('templates/signup.html');

Open your browser and go to http://localhost:3001/signin. The login page should show up.

Login Controllers

The next step is to create a controller that logs the users in or out and redirects them after the operation succeeds or fails. It needs two routes /login and /logout.

foal generate controller auth --register

The --register flag directly adds a new line in app.controller.ts to declare the AuthController as a sub-controller of AppController.

Open the new file auth.controller.ts and replace its content.

// 3p
import {
Context, dependency, HttpResponseRedirect, Post, removeSessionCookie,
Session, setSessionCookie, TokenRequired, ValidateBody, verifyPassword
} from '@foal/core';
import { TypeORMStore } from '@foal/typeorm';
import { getRepository } from 'typeorm';

import { User } from '../entities';

export class AuthController {
store: TypeORMStore;

// Validate the request body.
additionalProperties: false,
properties: {
email: { type: 'string', format: 'email' },
password: { type: 'string' }
required: ['email', 'password'],
type: 'object',
async login(ctx: Context) {
const user = await getRepository(User).findOne({ email: });

if (!user) {
// Redirect the user to /signin if the authentication fails.
return new HttpResponseRedirect('/signin?bad_credentials=true');

if (!await verifyPassword(ctx.request.body.password, user.password)) {
// Redirect the user to /signin if the authentication fails.
return new HttpResponseRedirect('/signin?bad_credentials=true');

// Create a session associated with the user.
const session = await;

// Redirect the user to the home page on success.
const response = new HttpResponseRedirect('/');
// Save the session token in a cookie in order to authenticate
// the user in future requests.
setSessionCookie(response, session.getToken());
return response;

cookie: true,
extendLifeTimeOrUpdate: false,
redirectTo: '/signin',
store: TypeORMStore,
async logout(ctx: Context<User, Session>) {
// Destroy the user session.

// Redirect the user to the home page on success.
const response = new HttpResponseRedirect('/signin');
// Remove the cookie where the session token is stored.
return response;

Writting getRepository(User).findOne({ email: email, password: password }) cannot work since the password needs to be hashed.

Go back to your browser and try to log in with the email and the password mary_password. You are redirected to the same page and the message Invalid email or password. shows up. Now use the password john_password and try to log in. You are redirected to the todo-list page where all todos are listed. If you click on the button Log out you are then redirected to the login page!

The TokenRequired Hook

Great, so far you can authenticate users. But as you have not yet added access control to the todo-list page and the API, unauthenticated users can still access it.

The usual way to handle authorization is to use a hook. In this case, you are going to use the built-in hook TokenRequired which returns a 401 error or redirects the user if user is not logged in.

Update app.controller.ts.

import { controller, Get, render, TokenRequired } from '@foal/core';
import { TypeORMStore } from '@foal/typeorm';

import { ApiController, AuthController } from './controllers';

export class AppController {

// The session token is expected to be in a cookie.
cookie: true,
// Redirect the user to /signin if user is not logged in.
redirectTo: '/signin',
// Specify the "store" where the session was created.
store: TypeORMStore
index() {



Update api.controller.ts.

import {
Context, Delete, Get, HttpResponseCreated, HttpResponseNoContent,
HttpResponseNotFound, HttpResponseOK, Post,
TokenRequired, ValidateBody, ValidatePathParam
} from '@foal/core';
import { fetchUser, TypeORMStore } from '@foal/typeorm';
import { getRepository } from 'typeorm';

import { Todo, User } from '../entities';

cookie: true,
store: TypeORMStore,
// Make ctx.user be an instance of User.
user: fetchUser(User),
export class ApiController {



When a hook decorates a controller class, it applies to all the routes of the controller and its sub-controllers.

Go to http://localhost:3001. If you are not logged in you should be redirected to the login page.