Lewati ke konten utama
Versi: 4.x

Unit Testing

The last step of this tutorial is to add some unit tests to the ApiController.

A unit test file ends with the spec.ts extension and is usually placed next to the file it is testing.

Open the file api.controller.spec.ts and replace its content.

// std
// The `assert` module provides a simple set of assertion tests.
import { ok, strictEqual } from 'assert';

// 3p
import { createController, getHttpMethod, getPath, isHttpResponseOK } from '@foal/core';
import { DataSource } from 'typeorm';

// App
import { Todo } from '../entities';
import { ApiController } from './api.controller';
import { createDataSource } from '../../db';

// Define a group of tests.
describe('ApiController', () => {

let dataSource: DataSource;
let controller: ApiController;

// Create a connection to the database before running all the tests.
before(async () => {
// The connection uses the configuration defined in the file config/test.json.
// By default, the file has three connection options:
// - "database": "./test_db.sqlite3" -> Use a different database for running the tests.
// - "synchronize": true -> Auto create the database schema when the connection is established.
// - "dropSchema": true -> Drop the schema when the connection is established (empty the database).
dataSource = createDataSource();
await dataSource.initialize();

// Close the database connection after running all the tests whether they succeed or failed.
after(async () => {
if (dataSource) {
await dataSource.close();

// Create or re-create the controller before each test.
beforeEach(() => controller = createController(ApiController));

// Define a nested group of tests.
describe('has a "getTodos" method that', () => {

// Define a unit test.
it('should handle requests at GET /todos.', () => {
// Throw an error and make the test fail if the HTTP method of `getTodos` is not GET.
strictEqual(getHttpMethod(ApiController, 'getTodos'), 'GET');
// Throw an error and make the test fail if the path of `getTodos` is not /todos.
strictEqual(getPath(ApiController, 'getTodos'), '/todos');

// Define a unit test.
it('should return an HttpResponseOK.', async () => {
// Create fake todos.
const todo1 = new Todo();
todo1.text = 'Todo 1';

const todo2 = new Todo();
todo2.text = 'Todo 2';

// Save the todos.
await Todo.save([ todo1, todo2 ]);

const response = await controller.getTodos();
ok(isHttpResponseOK(response), 'response should be an instance of HttpResponseOK.');

const body = response.body;

ok(Array.isArray(body), 'The body of the response should be an array.');
strictEqual(body[0].text, 'Todo 1');
strictEqual(body[1].text, 'Todo 2');



As a controller method returns an HttpResponse object, it is really easy to test the status and body of the response.

If the controller method takes a Context object as argument, you can instantiate one like this: new Context({ /* content of the express request object */}).

Run the tests.

npm run test

This command watches at your tests and tested files in the app/ and scripts/ directories. When a file is modified, it automatically recompiles and re-runs your tests.

You should now end up with this output:

Unit tests output

Congratulations! You have reached the end of this tutorial!

If you have any questions, feel free to open an issue on Github!

The entire source code is available here.