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Version: v3


foal generate hook my-hook


Hooks are decorators that execute extra logic before and/or after the execution of a controller method.

They are particulary useful in these scenarios:

  • authentication & access control
  • request validation & sanitization
  • logging

They improve code readability and make unit testing easier.

Built-in Hooks

Foal provides a number of hooks to handle the most common scenarios.

  • ValidateBody, ValidateHeader, ValidatePathParam, ValidateCookie and ValidateQueryParam validate the format of the incoming HTTP requests (see Validation).
  • Log displays information on the request (see Logging).
  • JWTRequired, JWTOptional, UseSessions authenticate the user by filling the ctx.user property.
  • PermissionRequired restricts the route access to certain users.


A hook can decorate a controller method or the controller itself. If it decorates the controller then it applies to all its methods and sub-controllers.

In the below example, JWTRequired applies to listProducts and addProduct.


import {
Context, Get, HttpResponseCreated, HttpResponseOK, Post, ValidateBody
} from '@foal/core';
import { JWTRequired } from '@foal/jwt';

class AppController {
private products = [
{ name: 'Hoover' }

listProducts() {
return new HttpResponseOK(this.products);

additionalProperties: false,
properties: {
name: { type: 'string' }
required: [ 'name' ],
type: 'object',
addProduct(ctx: Context) {
return new HttpResponseCreated();


If the user makes a POST request to /products whereas she/he is not authenticated, then the server will respond with a 400 error and the ValidateBody hook and addProduct method won't be executed.

If you need to apply a hook globally, you just have to make it decorate the root controller: AppController.

@Log('Request body:', { body: true })
export class AppController {
// ...

Build Custom Hooks

In addition to the hooks provided by FoalTS, you can also create your own.

A hook is made of a small function, synchronous or asynchronous, that is executed before the controller method.

To create one, you need to call the Hook function.


import { Get, Hook, HttpResponseOK } from '@foal/core';

class MyController {

@Hook(() => {
console.log('Receiving GET / request...');
index() {
return new HttpResponseOK('Hello world!');


The hook function can take two parameters: the Context object and the service manager. The Context object is specific to the request and gives you information on it. The service manager lets you access any service through its get method.


import { Get, Hook, HttpResponseOK } from '@foal/core';

class Logger {
log(message: string) {
console.log(`${new Date()} - ${message}`);

class MyController {

@Hook((ctx, services) => {
const logger = services.get(Logger);
logger.log('IP: ' + ctx.request.ip);
index() {
return new HttpResponseOK('Hello world!');


A hook function can return an HttpResponse object. If so, the remaining hooks and the controller method are not executed and the object is used to render the HTTP response.


import { Context, Hook, HttpResponseBadRequest, HttpResponseOK, Post } from '@foal/core';

class MyController {

@Hook((ctx: Context) => {
if (typeof !== 'string') {
return new HttpResponseBadRequest();
index() {
return new HttpResponseOK('Hello world!');


You can also have access to the controller instance through the this keyword.


import { getAjvInstance, Hook, HttpResponseBadRequest, HttpResponseOK, Post } from '@foal/core';

class MyController {

schema = {
properties: {
price: { type: 'number' }
type: 'object',

@Hook(function (this: MyController, ctx, services) {
const ajv = getAjvInstance();
const requestBody = ctx.request.body;
if (!ajv.validate(this.schema, requestBody)) {
return new HttpResponseBadRequest(ajv.errors);
index() {
return new HttpResponseOK('Hello world!');


Executing Logic After the Controller Method

A hook can also be used to execute extra logic after the controller method. To do so, you can return a hook post function inside the hook. This function will be executed after the controller method. It takes exactly one parameter: the HttpResponse object returned by the controller.

The below example shows how to add a custom cookie to the response returned by the controller.

import { Get, Hook, HttpResponseOK } from '@foal/core';

class MyController {

@Hook(() => response => {
response.setCookie('X-CSRF-TOKEN', 'xxx');
index() {
return new HttpResponseOK('Hello world!');


This example shows how to execute logic both before and after the controller method.

import { Get, Hook, HttpResponseOK } from '@foal/core';

class MyController {

@Hook(() => {
const time = process.hrtime();

return () => {
const seconds = process.hrtime(time)[0];
console.log(`Executed in ${seconds} seconds`);
index() {
return new HttpResponseOK('Hello world!');


Grouping Several Hooks into One

In case you need to group several hooks together, the MergeHooks function can be used to do this.

import { Get, HttpResponseOK, MergeHooks, ValidateCookie, ValidateHeader } from '@foal/core';

// Before

class MyController {
readProducts() {
return new HttpResponseOK();

// After

function ValidateAll() {
return MergeHooks(

class MyController {
readProducts() {
return new HttpResponseOK();

Testing Hooks

Hooks can be tested thanks to the utility getHookFunction (or getHookFunctions if the hook was made from several functions).

// validate-body.hook.ts
import { Hook, HttpResponseBadRequest } from '@foal/core';

export function ValidateBody() {
return Hook(ctx => {
if (typeof !== 'string') {
return new HttpResponseBadRequest();
// validate-body.hook.spec.ts
import {
Context, getHookFunction,
isHttpResponseBadRequest, ServiceManager
} from '@foal/core';
import { ValidateBody } from './validate-body.hook';

it('ValidateBody', () => {
const ctx = new Context({
// fake request object
body: { name: 3 }
const hook = getHookFunction(ValidateBody());

const response = hook(ctx, new ServiceManager());

if (!isHttpResponseBadRequest(response)) {
throw new Error('The hook should return an HttpResponseBadRequest object.');

Testing Hook Post Functions

// add-xxx-header.hook.ts
import { Hook } from '@foal/core';

export function AddXXXHeader() {
return Hook(ctx => response => {
response.setHeader('XXX', 'YYY');
// add-xxx-header.hook.spec.ts
import { strictEqual } from 'assert';
import {
Context, getHookFunction, HttpResponseOK,
isHttpResponse, ServiceManager
} from '@foal/core';
import { AddXXXHeader } from './add-xxx-header.hook';

it('AddXXXHeader', async () => {
const ctx = new Context({});
const hook = getHookFunction(AddXXXHeader());

const postHookFunction = await hook(ctx, new ServiceManager());
if (postHookFunction === undefined || isHttpResponse(postHookFunction)) {
throw new Error('The hook should return a post hook function');

const response = new HttpResponseOK();
await postHookFunction(response);

strictEqual(response.getHeader('XXX'), 'YYY');

Testing Hooks that Use this

// validate-param-type.hook.ts
import { Context, Hook, HttpResponseBadRequest } from '@foal/core';

export function ValidateParamType() {
return Hook(function(this: any, ctx: Context) {
if (typeof !== this.paramType) {
return new HttpResponseBadRequest();
// validate-param-type.hook.spec.ts
import { Context, getHookFunction, HttpResponseBadRequest } from '@foal/core';
import { ValidateParamType } from './validate-param-type';

it('ValidateParamType', () => {
const ctx = new Context({
// fake request object
params: { id: 'xxx' }
const controller = {
paramType: 'number'
const hook = getHookFunction(ValidateParamType()).bind(controller);

const response = hook(ctx, new ServiceManager());

if (!isHttpResponseBadRequest(response)) {
throw new Error('The hook should return an HttpResponseBadRequest object.');

Mocking services

You can mock services by using the set method of the service manager.


// authenticate.hook.ts
import { Hook } from '@foal/core';

export class UserService {
private users: any = {
eh4sb: { id: 1, name: 'John' },
kadu5: { id: 2, name: 'Mary' }

getUser(key: string) {
return this.users[key] ?? null;

export const authenticate = Hook((ctx, services) => {
const users = services.get(UserService);
ctx.user = users.getUser(ctx.request.params.key);
// authenticate.hook.spec.ts
import { strictEqual } from 'assert';
import { Context, getHookFunction, ServiceManager } from '@foal/core';
import { authenticate, UserService } from './authenticate.hook';

it('authenticate', () => {
const hook = getHookFunction(authenticate);

const user = { id: 3, name: 'Bob' };

new Context({ params: { key: 'xxx' }});
const services = new ServiceManager();
services.set(UserService, {
getUser() {
return user;

hook(ctx, services);

strictEqual(ctx.user, user);

Hook factories

Usually, we don't create hooks directly but with hook factories. Thus it is easier to customize the hook behavior on each route.


import { Get, Hook, HttpResponseOK } from '@foal/core';

function Log(msg: string) {
return Hook(() => { console.log(msg); });

class MyController {
@Log('Receiving a GET /route1 request...')
route1() {
return new HttpResponseOK('Hello world!');

@Log('Receiving a GET /route2 request...')
route2() {
return new HttpResponseOK('Hello world!');

Forward Data Between Hooks

If you need to transfer data from one hook to another or to the controller method, you can use the state property of the Context object to do so.

import { Context, Get, Hook, HttpResponseOK, UserRequired } from '@foal/core';
import { Org } from '../entities';

function AddOrgToContext() {
return Hook(async ctx => {
if (ctx.user) { = await Org.findOneByOrFail({ id: ctx.user.orgId });

export class ApiController {

readOrgName(ctx: Context) {
return new HttpResponseOK(;


If needed, you can also define an interface for your state and pass it as type argument to the context.

interface State {
org: Org;

export class ApiController {
// ...
readOrgName(ctx: Context<any, State>) {
// ...